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Who We Are

Owner Paul Mobbs (BSEE, EIT, CID) started his career in DSP developing signal processing libraries for the 8-bit Scenix SX microcontroller while still in school at UC Santa Barbara. It was at UCSB that Paul received his first formal education in DSP from Sanjit K. Mitra, author Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach.

After university, Paul continued his involvement with DSP through work on various embedded products such as the iRad MP3 player and IQinVision iQeye3 digital camera. It was in working on these products that problems involving analog/digital conversion and signal quality were addressed from both hardware and software perspectives.

Why DSP?

The purpose of DSP is to leverage the speed and cost benefits of digital technology to assist in the realization of discrete-time signal systems that would otherwise be too costly or even impossible to implement by any other means. There are two basic categories of discrete-time systems: those exhibiting finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) characteristics. Using one of these representations virtually any discrete-time system can be realized.

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